Some Advice on How You Pack Your Kitchen Into Moving Boxes
Posted on 02/10/2020
Tips On How To Pack Your Kitchen for Moving
Why does Kitchen packing need a whole article? Well, it is the hardest room to pack with all its many small items that is also needed more or less every day. It seems like lots of work to pack all the forks, knifes, glasses, frying pans and other smaller and big amount of supplies but if you are organized and think of how you will thank yourself when you are about to unpack everything, this might be worth a read.
First of all you will need some packing supplies. Obviously you need boxes and labels to put on them. The last thing you need is to rummage through all the boxes to look for your water boiler. Then you need things for protection like bubble plastic, newspapers and other things that will help protecting your more delicate things. Once you have all these supplies, you can start working.
Step one is to be selective. It is obviously better that you decide what to bring and not to bring before putting it into boxes. What will I need? What do we use and what do we not use? Go through everything and start by giving away or donate – NOT throw away – everything that you won’t bring. It’ll make packing easier and it is a good way to clean out your things for a new fresh start. Why should you donate? Well, there are lots of ways to give your things away. Maybe to a friend who is in need of a new corkscrew or a shelter that always needs supplies? Or maybe give it to a flea market and make some small money out of it.
When the selection is done it is time for step two, to sort your things. One idea is to prioritize the things that you do not use that often and put them in boxes first, things like cake slicers, cookbooks, schnaps glasses, crystal, grandma’s old bowls etc. So have a few boxes ready and open and put these things in the bottom. Also have one box free for some frequently used items that you will need on the last day in the house and on your first day in your new one. Maybe mark that box “KITCHEN: UNPACK FIRST”.
Make sure that you divide out the weight so that you for example, when you are about to pack your food not putting only wine bottles and oil in one box and only pasta and rice in another. Try and spread the weight.
Step three is to wrap everything up. You have selected all the plates that are going down first to the things that should go down last. Now it is time to wrap your plates, glasses and cups. Many may think that they can wrap up three glasses together at once. I do not recommend that. Rather give yourself those extra fifteen seconds and wrap everything separately, that way nothing will break. Before putting everything down, make sure you have secured the floor of the box with bubble plastic for example. You can’t be too careful.
When you are packing your pans and pots you should go with the matryoshkan way of thinking. You know, the Russian doll principal. Put the smaller pots in the bigger ones, that way you will get more room for your pans and sheets. In another box you keep all your cutlery boxes and cooking supplies.
The last thing you do, and this is not long before it is time to go, is to pack your fridge and put that box on top since this is probably the box you will need to unpack first, if there is anything to pack in there.
Sorting and selecting is the key words to a successful kitchen move and if you are calm and organized, it will go like a dance. Good luck!